Welcome to the Jamison Communications blog, Jam Session!
What can you expect from our Jam Session? Well, I can promise you it won’t be boring. I will share marketing strategy, trends and tips that may help you learn something new. I’ve also partnered with other entrepreneurs and marketing leaders in joining me as guest bloggers. We plan to share our own personal stories of trials, tribulations and celebrations as we live the life of small business owners.

What Does Your Brand Identity Say About You?
Brand confusion, always something you want to avoid. Branding your business is an important decision and one you should not rush through. Your brand is here to solve a problem and how you communicate that is what drives you straight to the top of the list. Overwhelmed? We can help!

Get More Customers By Being More Authentic
When it comes to your brand, be authentic, it always pays off.

Having Experience Still Matters
Some of the things I see on social media in regards to “marketing” are confusing and definitely make me say, WHAT? Do your research before you hire a marketing professional, it’s crucial to your bottom line.

A New Year Always Offers A Clean Slate
I love the beginning of a new year. For me, it’s not about leaving a bad year behind, making a ton of resolutions to “change” something or really doing anything much different from the year before. It is, however, a time for fresh perspective, a clean slate and an opportunity to get organized and energized.